5 Steps to Boost Spiritual Immunity
When Covid-19 first broke out and became a Global Pandemic, they began to say, “It’s all about our immunity!” This particular virus turned out to be an international catastrophe, but when it comes down to it it is only a threat to those who have a compromised or weakened immune system.
One thing my husband Scott reminded me about was that I was wired with keys to navigate our family and church through this pandemic and for medical warfare. I have been using science and spiritual reality to dismantle infirmity and sickness for as long as he has known me. I have been a health practitioner and in ministry/pastoral work for almost 30 years. I believe God wants everyone He created to cultivate a healthy, balanced, and robust immune system.
When this latest virus broke out, God began to speak to me that this virus, as deadly as it may seem, is NOT the real problem. It is our lack of immunity that leaves us vulnerable to this and so much more!
First we must understand that we actually have three immune systems! Think of yourself as a house with 3 gates that allow access to these immune systems (our security system to your body to resist toxins or invaders).
The first gate is our physical body, the second gate is our soul, and the third gate is our spirit. Each gate is an entry point and, if we let the enemy in, …whether it’s a virus to the body, depression to the soul, or sin/demon to the spirit, the enemy can use it as an access point to affect it and bring destruction to all of it. If the enemy gets in one gate, he is in the house. Once on the inside, he can easily start to open the other doors allowing the house (you) to be overcome by dangerous intruders.
This particular outbreak is a wake up call to the church body to seek help and wisdom to get a greater level of immunity. These present difficulties present lessons we can learn through it.
There is an all out war on humanity, as the enemy seeks to “steal, kill and destroy.” It is important to not let the enemy take one inch of our house. It’s time to sound the alarm and shut the gates so our immune system(s) stays healthy and resilient. The gates act as a shield from harm and protect our immune system. I believe this pandemic will be used to propel us, the human race, to seek and believe for greater levels of immunity!
In the COVID-19 virus, the name stands for the coronavirus disease of 2019. In this name, “Corona” comes from the Latin root word crown. In the spirit, we do not want to give this virus a crown…authority over us. But rather we are to dethrone it! The virus and its attack on the natural body is a picture of how the enemy (the demonic realm) attacks the spiritual Body of Christ…His people. If the enemy can’t get in one door, he’ll look for another one to get in. If he can’t get in the body he will try the soul, and if the soul is protected he will try the spirit and vice versa.
There are three essential basic steps to have a healthy immune system.
1. Cleanse the body: detoxing the body of impurities and toxins that have accumulated from what we eat, drink, breathe and take in through our skin.
2. Balance the Soul: becoming emotionally whole through specific steps of surrender, confession, repentance, and forgiveness.
3. Strengthen the Spirit: connecting with God our Creator through the word, prayer, worship and communion.
Currently, doctors and scientists around the world are working overtime looking for ways to defeat and dethrone the coronavirus. There are spiritual lessons that we can learn from this global battle.
In my new podcast Quintessential Wellness, I will share some important keys to cleanse body’s immune system. However, in the following paragraphs I will dispense some wisdom on how to fortify your spiritual immunity. Spiritual immunity is just as critical, if not more so, in these challenging times. Today we will focus on one of these gates …probably the most important one!
5 Essential keys to fortify our Spiritual Immunity
By definition, the word immunity basically means protection and resistance from something harmful. I know all of us want to be immune from this virus…or any virus for that matter. We must fortify our connection with God. Ultimately He is our shield and our life source enabling us to live balanced and dynamic life. So here is your spiritual prescription to stay strong and to have a vigorous immune system.
1. Tune into hearing God’s voice
“My Sheep listen to my voice, I know them and they follow me.”John 10:27
Hearing God’s voice will empower you to cut out fear, bypass the distractions, and discern the deceptions. For us to be able to navigate and even thrive in these confusing times, it is imperative that we learn to hear what God is saying. What is He requiring of you to do? Ask Him in quiet times of prayer to speak to you and to confirm through the Word what He wants you to do…or not do. Sometimes, He will speak specifically to us by His Holy Spirit, through another person, nature or through a dream. We need to know how to use this time wisely on a personal level and how to discern what is actually happening globally.
2. Watch what is coming out of your mouth.
Instead of allowing COVID-19 to attack the breath, I challenge you to release the breath of God (breath comes from the Hebrew word “ruach” which means spirit), which is the Holy Spirit. This is a season, more than ever, where we have the power to call things that are not as if they are. So speak life with your breath, as this is a time to call to life those things that seem dead with our tongue. Proverbs 18:21 says that “the Spirit of life and death is in our tongue.” Use this time as an opportunity to turn this “attack on the breath” around for good…by using your breath not only to praise God, but also to release the life of the Spirit over yourself, family, city, nation, governmental leaders, and the nations. Let’s cry out for the breath of God to breathe upon all those who are isolated and suffering. One of my favorite songs that I have been singing recently is “Blow Mighty Breath of God.”
3. Declare the word and stand on the word (the Bible). “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God.”John 1:1.
God’s Word does not return void! When we declare or speak the Word, we are declaring His supernatural power into our natural circumstances. Reading Psalms 91 has given me so much peace during this turbulent time. I love that we can dwell in the secure shelter of the Most High. The word is God’s powerful promises for our life, so speak and declare these many promises found in scripture over your life and over your nation during this shaking time.
4. Apply the oil on the doorpost of your homes and let this plague of death Passover us. In Exodus 12, the Israelites were commanded to put the blood of the lamb on top and the sides of the doorframe so that the death Angel would pass over the homes. “And the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil” Isaiah10:27. When we apply the oil, we are applying Jesus whose name means “the anointed one” over our home, our property, and our family. This is a fortifying act of consecrating your home to the Lord! And we declare, “as for me and my house we trust the Lord.”
5. Take communion– “…do this in remembrance of me.”– Jesus, Luke 22:19. In turbulent times more than ever, we need to remember and declare the victory of our Lord. Christ bore the sins of all of humanity upon the cross. His broken body was pierced and blood was spilled to wash us and give us abundant and everlasting life. Communion strengthens our connection with God and reminds the forces of darkness of their utter defeat. The cross is the ultimate triumph of resurrection life over all death, darkness, and disease. When we plead the blood of Jesus, the blood of the new covenant, over ourselves and our loved ones, friends, city, and all nations, we enforce the victory of the cross. Life is in the blood…and victory is found in the FINISHED work of the cross!
I pray that you will be able to use these five keys to strengthen your spiritual immunity. Stay safe, blessed and thriving even in such unprecedented times.