About Sarah MacLeod


Sarah MacLeod is the co-founder and director of Harvest Sound International an inner-city nonprofit ministry, along with her husband Scott MacLeod.  In 1993, the ministry expanded to serve the poor with feeding and discipleship programs for underprivileged children. Through years of faith, perseverance, and intercession, the community of John Henry Hale completely transformed in 2007 and is now known as “Rainbow Row” instead of “Hell’s Half Acre.”  

Sarah MacLeod co-pastors a church called Harvest Sound Nashville and directs a creative arts and leadership training school called Harvest Sound Intensive. Harvest Sound is a movement to equip creative types, “musicianaries”, artists and evangelists with tools to bring global renaissance, reformation, and cultural transformation to the nations. Scott and Sarah’s work centers around cultivating healthy community and expressing the gospel through both creativity and compassion. 

After being silenced in many ways by fear, Sarah finally overcame and learned the keys to unlock the prison she lived in to live a bold, fearless life. Sarah desires to inspire and challenge others to see themselves in their God-given original design and become powerful in their spheres of influence. 

Sarah pioneered a healing ministry called Inside Out: a holistic approach to bringing healing using nutrition, exercise, specific healing tools, to live out a maximally balanced and vibrant life. She is currently writing a book of her own personal healing journey to give indispensable resources to men and women on living out a balanced and fulfilling life. Sarah resides in Franklin, Tennessee along with her husband and two children, Emily and Daniel. 

Sarah, a gifted teacher, travels nationally and internationally teaching, speaking and calling people into a greater place of freedom. To learn more about the ministry, go to harvestsoundinternational.com.